Your response to our first blog post has been amazing! I can’t begin to thank you for the sweet messages, texts, and emails that you guys have sent. You are encouraging to us. We hoped that by launching a blog we could relate to our followers and customers in a new way, and I believe we are on the right track. So I want to keep on the path that we opened up about in our last post. The path of not knowing what move is the next move, but relying that God has this path already pre-determined and you are just buckling up for the ride. It’s so much easier said then done, but fully putting your trust in Him- I’ll say it again- FULLY. God’s Got This.

I had to practice what I preached when I learned that having a baby might not be in my cards. I had to trust that His plan was so much more than I could understand. I had to listen to one of my biggest blessings, my Aunt Gina. I mean come on, she fully relied on God all the way to Heaven’s gates- so why was it so hard to practice what I preach through our God’s Got This Campaign? All I can say is that it is totally different when you are experiencing a trial yourself. My trial was simply the word INFERTILITY and I just couldn’t even move past it. But God had this. He had a plan, and He moved my mountain and gave me a gift that still doesn’t seem real.
Through our God’s Got This movement, we are learning so much. How BIG our God is, how different He works, and how it applies so differently to everyone encouraged. Whether it is BELIEF in defeating cancer, whether it is HOPE in infertility, whether it is TRUST in finding a new job, whether it is RELIEF in bullying, whether it is FAITH that the adoption will go through, the STORY remains the SAME! GOD’S GOT THIS.

So I want to re-introduce our story of how the movement came about. We have gained so many new friends and followers since we first launched this line and aired the story, which is why I am going to tell it again. Because I know that you can relate, in some way or some situation- I want you to be encouraged by the message:
Somehow in this crazy rollercoaster of a ride, “God’s got this.” God always has a plan better than you want to believe. Something better than you can imagine, and something that is so hard to just let him have complete control over.
Let me just start by saying that cancer sucks. Cancer rips apart families, cancer dampens our dreams, and cancer causes a heartbreak that is so hard to wrap your head around. However cancer is a word, not a sentence.
In August, cancer stole a lady way too soon. Cancer stole a teacher, a friend, a sister, an aunt, a God momma, a wife, and a mother. A mother of two beautiful young daughters. Two daughters who already had their hearts broken by cancer that had stolen their daddy just six years before. Somehow….”God’s got this.”

Gina Humphries was in her final doctor’s appointment, before Heaven would call her home. The words of hope came out of her mouth- “God’s got this.” Gina fought a long battle for 7 years with different types of cancers meanwhile loving and losing a husband to cancer and raising two God loving daughters. The doctors and nurses were huddled around telling Gina that the cancer was winning. Gina was a fighter, Gina had never lost hope. Gina looked at those doctors and nurses and told them that somehow- “God’s got this.”
God’s got this. We don’t know why, we don’t know how, and we don’t know what in the heck He is thinking- but God’s got this. So many families lose a loved one, a daughter, a son, a mother, a father, a sister, a brother, and so many families lose their best friend. Yet some how in some way- “God’s got this.”

We believe that God has a plan through all this. God has a plan to reach people and fill them with a hope that will not fail because GOD’S GOT THIS. Join us in our campaign. We are introducing a collection of goods that will share this hope movement. A portion of all proceeds will be going towards sons and daughters that have lost a parent to cancer.

1. Spread the hope. Post a picture on social media sharing with your friends what our God’s Got This campaign means to you. Make sure you tag us! @designdistrictdecor #godsgotthis
2. Shop our God’s Got This products.
3. Pray. Pray for families that are dealing with this sickness that is touching their loved ones too closely. Pray for the children that have to say goodbye too soon to their mommies and daddies. Pray for the #GodsGotThis movement to be a blessings for so many lives.
Addie + Jakob Lehrke
God-daughter to Gina Humphries, Cousin to her daughters Ashleigh 19, and Lydia 15
